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Breast Augmentation

Our expert team helped thousands of patients to get the body they dreamt of

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What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation, silicone or saline prostheses are placed or oil injection, the breast size is increased and the shape is aesthetic surgery. Women undergo breast augmentation for different reasons, with larger breasts being just one of these reasons. Breast enlargement is one of the most effective procedures for correcting noticeable breast asymmetries. The ultimate aim of the operation is to make the patient’s natural measurements more beautiful and to create a more symmetrical, aesthetic appearance. 

The goal of breast augmentation is to make the patient’s natural measurements better and to create a more symmetrical, aesthetic image. As with other types of aesthetic surgery, you need to make sure you want this surgery and have realistic expectations.

Compatible Nozzles: If you want to make your breasts more symmetrical with different sizes or shape

More confident: If you want to add volume to your breasts (micromasti) that are not fully developed during adolescence

More feminine: If you don’t feel comfortable when you wear swimwear, bikini or overalls


Am I a suitable candidate for breast augmentation?

If you are not satisfied with your breasts' shape, size, or lines, you can consider breast augmentation surgery. Breast augmentation is an appropriate operation if you are not happy with the size or sagging of your breasts after weigh loss. Breast prostheses can also be used to correct for asymmetries due to developmental problems or breast cancer surgery in one of the breasts.

What are Breast Augmentation operation options?

Breast augmentation can be performed by breast prostheses or by oil injection. Breast prostheses are divided into saline and silicone prostheses. Prostheses are also manufactured in many different sizes, shapes and textures.

Prostheses can be placed under or above the chest muscle. There are also several different regions where the cut can be formed.

Which breast enlargement method suits me?

Breast augmentation is performed by breast prostheses or fat transfer. If you prefer breast prosthesis, silicone or saline, rounded or shaped, textured or smooth options are available. Moreover, all these types of prostheses have different sized options. Prostheses can be placed in incisions made in other areas. They can be placed under or over the muscle.


Tell your doctor your expectations clearly and decide which is the best option for you. You can check out our FAQs or contact to us for more details.

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Este Prime Clinic, having 16 years of health sector background, including 10 years working on hair transplantation. We helped thousands of customers to achieve their dream image.


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