How do we proceed?
First of all, we are a boutique clinic and make no more than 4 surgeries per day.
Client satisfaction and happiness are our utmost priorities.
The following three processes are very important after the operation:
First 3 Days: You should rest a lot. If you get bored, you can go outside, but you need to be very careful, due to the local anesthesia you may have mild numbness in your transplanted area so be cautious not to hit your facial.
The First 10 Days: The first 10 days you should wash the transplanted area without touching your hair, you wash by applying the foam according to the aftercare sheet, rinse without the water spray directly going onto your scalp – very gently rinse the foam off and pat dry with a very soft towel. On the 10th day, you can begin to use the provided shampoo, gently massage the transplanted area and over a few days the scabs will come off. Do not pick or encourage the scabs to come off. We recommend that you wash the area every day. We recommend that you do not consume alcohol in these 10 days and ideally, not smoke.
First 3 Months: All of the transplanted hair is shed within the first 3 months. The grafts from month 3 will start to grow. We advise not to swim in the sea or pool for the first 3 months And not to use hair clippers during this time, on the transplanted area. It is ok around the donor area, and the nape of the neck, and behind the ears.

1 - We pick you up from the hotel at 8:00 in the morning. Our specialist analyzes your hair and will inform you about the best operation result. He will discuss hairlines and your hair transplant expectations. We will aim to implant the maximum number of grafts bearing in mind the donor area suitability.
2 - Our health team performs a blood test to check if there is any health problem that might interfere with the operation.
3 - We then shave your facial. The hair transplant surgery all in all takes about 8 hours. Comfort and meal breaks are provided. Lunch is provided for you at the clinic by our chef. During the surgery – First, the donor area is anesthetized with local anesthesia.
4 - The number of grafts determined from your donor area is taken by micro motor and cleaned by our personnel in a sterilized environment and stored in a special cabinet. – In stage 3, the microchannel is opened in the bald area then the carefully stored and prepared grafts are placed in these channels one by one.
You are awake during all of these processes, you can talk to our team during the surgery.
After the operation
1 - When the operation is over, the necessary cleaning is done, and your donor area is wrapped with gauze.
2 - We will collect you at a pre-arranged time on the day after the operation and bring you to our clinic. We will do the first wash and remove any dressings.
3 - We will then provide you with aftercare information and post-op medications and shampoos. From this point, you can return to normal activities subject to our post-op guidelines, just take care with your head.
We will arrange the transfer to take you back to the airport for your return journey time, and a collection time will be advised.